Index Name Value >file %SWG%\string\ja\treasure_map\treasure_map.stf 31 bark_bountyhunter1 私の獲物に手を触れるな、こそ泥! 32 bark_pirate1 誰かが獲物を横取りしようとしているぞ! おまえら、そいつをやっちまえ! 33 bark_pirate2 先にトレジャーに手をつけたヤツがいるぞ。ヤツに渡すな。攻撃しろ! 51 bark_treasure_guard_adventurer Well I'm glad we decided to check on our loot! Take 'em out! 54 bark_treasure_guard_bounty_hunter Huh? What is this? Someone thinks they will take our spoils? Not a chance! 55 bark_treasure_guard_droid This is private property Intruder. Stand by for immediate termination! 57 bark_treasure_guard_jedi Very interesting. You must be a capable individual to have found our well hidden treasures. Sadly it is the last thing you will do! 58 bark_treasure_guard_jedi_elder Ha Ha! Another treasure hunter seeking cursed riches. I sense your greed, weak one. You are the one that is cursed not the treasure! Will you run or fight? Either way it will be slow and painful. 59 bark_treasure_guard_jedi_elite You fool! How dare you defile the Enclave's treasure! Now you shall die! 56 bark_treasure_guard_padawan What is this? Another test!? We will not let you take our master's treasure. 53 bark_treasure_guard_trader Someone found our stash! I told you we should have put it in the bank! Protect our savings!! 52 bark_treasure_guard_villager Our little ambush worked...we will add your most treasured items to our growing stash! 69 bark_wookiee Roooarrgh ur roo! 8 close 閉じる 1 decode デコード 3 decoded_name トレジャー・マップ 78 default 28 extract_treasure トレジャーの発掘 71 kill_guards_message This container doesn't belong to you yet. You must defeat all enemies before it will open. 41 map_fail このマップは明らかに偽物だ。 35 prose_loot_cash %DIクレジット見つけた。 34 prose_loot_cash_split 分け前として%DIクレジット手に入れた。 70 rare_elite_chat I will not forget this! 10 search_area エリア・サーチ 6 store_waypoint ウェイポイント保存 26 sys_cant_pinpoint トレジャーの正確な場所から遠すぎます。 7 sys_decode_success 暗号化データを解読しました! ディスクが読めるようになりました。 13 sys_dist_far トレジャーを発掘するには遠すぎます。 11 sys_dist_here トレジャーの発掘を開始します。 12 sys_dist_near もっと近づかないとトレジャーを発掘できません。 30 sys_extracting 既にトレジャーの発掘を開始しています。 29 sys_found トレジャーの発掘に成功しました! 37 sys_inventory_full アクションを完了できません。インベントリーがいっぱいです。インベントリーに空きを作って、もう一度実行してください。 74 sys_no_combat You cannot use the data disk while in combat. 76 sys_no_dead_incap You cannot use the data disk while dead or incapacitated. 75 sys_no_mount You cannot use the data disk while mounted. 4 sys_no_regions メジャー・エラー: プレイヤーの現在位置に該当するリジョンはありません。トレジャー・マップを壊しています! 25 sys_no_waypoint トレジャーを探しに行く前に、そのウェイポイントをデータパッドに保存してください! 24 sys_not_in_inv トレジャー・マップはインベントリーに入っていないと使えません! 22 sys_not_yours このトレジャー・チェストはあなたの物ではありません。 27 sys_pinpoint トレジャーの正確な場所の特定に成功しました! 36 sys_start_pinpoint トレジャーの正確な場所のスキャンを開始します。 5 sys_store_waypoint トレジャーの座標までのウェイポイントが、データパッドに追加されました。 23 sys_success トレジャーを発見しました! 77 sys_time_limit You need to subdue the guards and retrieve the treasure quickly before the chest self destructs. 15 sys_waypoint_exists この場所のウェイポイントは既にデータパッドに存在しています。 20 text_bountyhunter1 このデータ・ディスクには、このあたりで有名なバウンティ・ハンターの覚え書きが入っているようだ。このプロフェッションに関する怪しい情報がいろいろ記録してある中で、そのバウンティ・ハンターの装備が隠してある場所の大まかな位置が記されていた。

下のウェイポイント保存ボタンをクリックすれば、この場所のウェイポイントを追加できます。ウェイポイントに近づいてディスクの「エリア・サーチ」オプションを使うと、トレジャーの正確な場所が分かります。トレジャーの場所を特定したら、ディスクのトレジャー発掘オプションを使って掘り出します。 38 text_hedon1 このホロ・マップは数百年前に「アキバ・ミン(Axkva Min)」なる人物が作ったものだ。「ドラゴンの墓場」と名付けられた場所の位置を示している。 16 text_pirate1 悪名高い海賊船の船長の日記を発見した。いろいろ尾ひれの付いた冒険譚の中に、トレジャーが埋められているらしい位置の情報を発見した。

下のウェイポイント保存ボタンをクリックすれば、この場所のウェイポイントを追加できます。ウェイポイントに近づいてディスクの「エリア・サーチ」オプションを使うと、トレジャーの正確な場所が分かります。トレジャーの場所を特定したら、ディスクのトレジャー発掘オプションを使って掘り出します。 18 text_pirate2 ずっと昔に捨てられた海賊船の日誌を発見した。最後の記録に、海賊が略奪物を埋めた場所が書かれている。

下のウェイポイント保存ボタンをクリックすれば、この場所のウェイポイントを追加できます。ウェイポイントに近づいてディスクの「エリア・サーチ」オプションを使うと、トレジャーの正確な場所が分かります。トレジャーの場所を特定したら、ディスクのトレジャー発掘オプションを使って掘り出します。 43 text_treasure_guard_adventurer This is a data disk with a crude map. The misspelled notes indicate a collection of valuables buried at a specific location.

You may add a waypoint to this location by pressing the 'Store Waypoint' button below. Once you are near that waypoint, use the disk's 'Search Area' option to pinpoint the exact location of the treasure. After you have pinpointed the treasure's location, dig it up using the 'Extract Treasure' option on the disk.
45 text_treasure_guard_bounty_hunter You have found the diary of a somewhat famous bounty hunter. Among the many embellished tales of his adventures, you find information on where he has buried some valuables from previous exploits.

You may add a waypoint to this location by pressing the 'Store Waypoint' button below. Once you are near that waypoint, use the disk's 'Search Area' option to pinpoint the exact location of the treasure. After you have pinpointed the treasure's location, dig it up using the 'Extract Treasure' option on the disk. 46 text_treasure_guard_droid This is a data disk with programmed instructions meant for a droid. Reading the file with a datapad shows specific coordinates for sentry duty and instructions to liquidate all threats to an object referred to as "sealed container XX23-113."

You may add a waypoint to this location by pressing the 'Store Waypoint' button below. Once you are near that waypoint, use the disk's 'Search Area' option to pinpoint the exact location of the treasure. After you have pinpointed the treasure's location, dig it up using the 'Extract Treasure' option on the disk. 48 text_treasure_guard_jedi You have found an old log disk of references and notes about ancient Jedi and Nightsister artifacts. Reading further you find a holo map with a location where the writer has hidden additional excavation plans, coordinates as well as lesser valuable artifacts. The closing note mentions the construction of a larger underground vault.

You may add a waypoint to this location by pressing the 'Store Waypoint' button below. Once you are near that waypoint, use the disk's 'Search Area' option to pinpoint the exact location of the treasure. After you have pinpointed the treasure's location, dig it up using the 'Extract Treasure' option on the disk.
49 text_treasure_guard_jedi_elder This is a disturbing data message regarding an item that is reported to have some type of mystical properties. The author refers to the item as cursed. A general location is given where the item has been sealed and buried.

You may add a waypoint to this location by pressing the 'Store Waypoint' button below. Once you are near that waypoint, use the disk's 'Search Area' option to pinpoint the exact location of the treasure. After you have pinpointed the treasure's location, dig it up using the 'Extract Treasure' option on the disk. 50 text_treasure_guard_jedi_elite This is a detailed account of a novice bounty hunter tracking a Jedi Council Member. According to the author, the Jedi was participating in a small gathering of Council Members in a remote location where a large container was unearthed. It is unclear what the writer actually saw, but it spooked him enough to give up his intended mark and go into hiding. The data disk is unsigned but there is enough detail to find the location yourself.

You may add a waypoint to this location by pressing the 'Store Waypoint' button below. Once you are near that waypoint, use the disk's 'Search Area' option to pinpoint the exact location of the treasure. After you have pinpointed the treasure's location, dig it up using the 'Extract Treasure' option on the disk. 47 text_treasure_guard_padawan This is a data disk confession by a Padawan detailing how to find the unmarked grave of his Jedi Knight teacher killed out of anger and jealousy. To cover up the murder the Padawan stated that he buried his and his Master's Lightsabers as well as artifacts at the murder scene. A holo map with a general location has been provided.

You may add a waypoint to this location by pressing the 'Store Waypoint' button below. Once you are near that waypoint, use the disk's 'Search Area' option to pinpoint the exact location of the treasure. After you have pinpointed the treasure's location, dig it up using the 'Extract Treasure' option on the disk. 44 text_treasure_guard_trader This is a data disk with a holo map featuring a detailed description as to where a group of traders have hidden their most valuable items. A message accompanying the holo map states that the map should be destroyed after memorization for the protection of the valuables.

You may add a waypoint to this location by pressing the 'Store Waypoint' button below. Once you are near that waypoint, use the disk's 'Search Area' option to pinpoint the exact location of the treasure. After you have pinpointed the treasure's location, dig it up using the 'Extract Treasure' option on the disk. 42 text_treasure_guard_villager This is a data disk with a message describing several items of value that have been hidden by certain people in a remote village. The message gives basic instructions on where to go, instructing the reader to check on the stash every other day.

You may add a waypoint to this location by pressing the 'Store Waypoint' button below. Once you are near that waypoint, use the disk's 'Search Area' option to pinpoint the exact location of the treasure. After you have pinpointed the treasure's location, dig it up using the 'Extract Treasure' option on the disk. 21 title_bountyhunter1 バウンティ・ハンターの覚え書き 39 title_hedon1 古代のホロ・マップ 17 title_pirate1 海賊船船長の日誌 19 title_pirate2 大昔のスターシップ・ログ 60 title_treasure_guard_adventurer A map to an Adventurer's Treasure 63 title_treasure_guard_bounty_hunter A map to a Bounty Hunter's Hidden Stash 64 title_treasure_guard_droid A droid's data disk with map coordinates 66 title_treasure_guard_jedi A map to Jedi Artifacts 67 title_treasure_guard_jedi_elder A map to a cursed item 68 title_treasure_guard_jedi_elite A map to a mysterious container 65 title_treasure_guard_padawan A map to a Jedi Knight's body 62 title_treasure_guard_trader A map to a Trader's Hidden Treasure 61 title_treasure_guard_villager A map to a Villager's Hidden Savings 73 unlock_chest You may now open the chest. 2 use 読み込み 9 waypoint_name 埋められたトレジャー 40 wrong_planet マップ・データに保存されていた座標は、この惑星上のものではない。 72 wrong_player This container doesn't belong to you.